Monday, July 6, 2009

It's really warm in my room.

I have to leave for work in a little while (less than half an hour) and I'm not particularly looking forward to it. I've had an ok day, but last week didn't go so smoothly. I got fussed at or had to deal with particularly difficult people every day that I worked, with one exception. Then there was the issue with my boss at the end of last week. And I think I work with her tonight. I've been having some mild issues today, and I have what I think is a pretty legitimate concern that the stress of last week combined with my issues may cause...issues. I don't think that sentence made sense. I guess I mean that the anxiety-prone part of my brain is saying "last week wasn't good, so you have a great reason to be afraid of going to work tonight". I don't want to be, but things aren't that simple. I can tell myself over and over, for hours on end, that there is no reason to be anxious about something, and I can explain away whatever unsavory feelings I might be having, but I still might have issues. Then again, things might be fine. I'm praying for the latter, since even though I've eaten almost-normal meals today, I've done pretty well. A little upset stomach after eating what for me qualifies as a full-sized meal now (though that might have just been a side dish a month or two ago) is much better than feeling nauseous and getting panicky after, say, having a little too much water to drink in a day (that's happened.)

Meanwhile, I have accomplished NOTHING today. I didn't really have any plans, but I still feel like I haven't done anything and the day has zoomed right along. I woke up later than planned because mom had said the night before I needed to move my car in the morning, but she ended up moving it. So I woke up after 9 a.m. instead of around 7. I dealt with the usual upset stomach for about an hour, ate some breakfast, and read a little. I played video games for about twenty minutes sometime around lunch, but stopped because...I don't even remember now. I think it had something to do with my stomach, though (I had a baked potato for lunch and I was full.) Brandon's been working today, so I haven't heard much from him. Oh, I did get one thing done. I sent an email to this magazine company that has been sending me magazines lately. I just got a second issue in the mail today, and it included an insert that said something like "since you are a subscriber, you can get this other magazine for less!" Well, I'm not a subscriber. I went to their website and typed in the little account number above my address on the label, and for my account info, it says I'm "ACTIVE PAID". Uh, no. I am not. I have not ordered a magazine subscription, nor have I paid for one. So I went to their little customer service form and told them that I had basically never even heard of the magazine before, much less ordered a subscription of it. Even though the form said "provide a detailed description of your problem here", and I wasn't all that detailed, I got a "your message is too lengthy" notice after the first three times I tried to submit it. Hopefully it will get straightened out. Since I never ordered the stupid thing...

And now it is even closer to time to leave (fifteen minutes now!) I am going to go to work a little early in case I need to visit the restroom so I don't *inconvenience* anyone (the sound you hear is me grumbling....) Hopefully everything will go well.