Monday, July 13, 2009

Don't you wonder sometimes 'bout sound and vision?

It's not even noon and I've kind of written off today. I set my alarm for 7:30, thinking if I wanted more sleep I could hit snooze until 8. I ended up sleeping fitfully through the night, and waking up before 7 feeling sick (surprise). I woke up, got a few ice chips, went to the bathroom, and then went back to lay down. I ended up getting up a little after 9, I think. It's hard to remember because mom came in to talk to me about the air conditioning thing being frozen, and I needed to get up and turn it back on and go outside and see if the thing was frozen. After I took care of all that it turned out that it was probably still frozen on the inside some, so I had to turn the air conditioning back off again. Which meant that my room got really hot (it's always like, 5-10 degrees hotter in my room than the rest of the house.) Then I decided to eat lunch for breakfast a little before 10. I had some chips and queso left over from Friday. They went ok Friday, but apparently not today, because I have a really bad stomach ache now. And I've been dealing with it for half an hour. It's making me very fidgety. Lie down, try to read, get up, get some ice, back to bed, sit up and read, get up, go to the bathroom, repeat. It's annoying. hurts. And I'm not happy about it. I hope things go ok at work tonight. Maybe that's part of the reason I don't feel well. Maybe I've already started worrying about tonight. I'm not working very long, and I'm really looking forward to my aunt and cousin visiting me, but I'm also thinking about how I felt fine on Saturday up until late that afternoon and I got really sick. Even though I worked through it and stayed at work, it was pretty horrible and embarrassing and stressful. And I'm not happy about the fact that I was away from the desk for so long. I don't want to get in trouble. I'm so paranoid....
Anyway. The only reason I'm posting is because I wanted to try to keep calm since my stomach's upset. It's sort of working. But I still feel nasty. Ugh. I'm tired of it. It's not quite time to take another Benadryl but I might have to. I have no idea why my allergies are so bad- they're usually at their worst in the spring. I can't ever remember having this much trouble in the summer, or for so long. It's bizarre. And annoying. And it makes me sick to my stomach.

Last night I made myself a to-do list. I need to take a shower before work, take out my trash (the dogs keep getting into it), take back a bunch of library books, cut Polo's hair, and I needed to wash towels, because I found a bunch of them at the bottom of my hamper. I can't wash the towels because with the air conditioning being dumb, it would heat up the house too much. My library books are ready to go. Right now I'm too tired to take a shower, and I've kind of stopped caring about the rest. I think I will go ahead and take that other Benadryl and maybe take a nap. Isn't that dumb? Taking a nap not too long after one woke up in the first place?