Thursday, July 16, 2009

It was always burning since the world was turning...

I think I'm on track for having an ok week. Well, at least when it comes to my stomach, anxiety, etc.
Yesterday we went to Rebecca's to see my dress (since it came in like, a month ago) and shoes and veil. My dress is awesome! I want to wear it all the time. And the shoes look perfect with it (mom has some pictures on her blog.) They accidentally sent like a jeweled headband thing instead of my veil, though, so they're sending it back and they'll get the right one in soon, hopefully. Then after that we went to the fruit market and I got some really amazing gouda and pecan spread. It's yummy. I plan on eating more of it later. Work went fine last night, too. I felt fine, even though it was a slightly longer day than usual. After tonight I'm done for the week, which is cool. My boss mentioned earlier in the week that she was jealous that I had the weekend off (which pretty much never happens, as I always work Saturdays- I guess because no one else wants to. Even when I'm out of school, expect to see me working on Saturdays.) I told her that working four nights in a row (which NO ONE ever does) isn't really a picnic. She said she hadn't thought of that. Hopefully next time she schedules me to have a weekend off, she'll think of it. Because it's exhausting.
Today Brandon took his first actuarial exam. I'm sure he did well. He always does. Hopefully we will soon hear something about that open job position I wrote about a few weeks ago. He's working on getting another job lined up with a temp agency, too. This of course is our second choice, in the long run, but it is full-time (we need the money) and it has benefits (he needs the insurance.) I have never known a temp before. I told him I was going to start calling him "Temp", a la The Office, and then I started singing "Brandon started the fire!" (If you haven't seen The Office you won't understand any of that, but trust me, it's hilarious.)
And now I think I'm going to take myself a nap. Even though I didn't fall asleep until late last night, and I woke up briefly at 7 a.m., I still slept until almost 10. I don't know why I'm so tired. It might be the allergy medicine, but that doesn't explain why it's so hard for me to wake up in the morning. It might be because it's so hot and warmth makes me sleepy. I don't know. I did some shopping this morning and it's hot outside and I don't have air conditioning, so I'm pretty sure that's part of the reason why I'm tired right now. Oh well.