Saturday, January 10, 2009

The week in review.

The first week of classes this semester is over and boy am I tired. That's pretty much all I can say about it. I can't even think about what all I have to do and when. I will start mapping all that out over the next week. But I just wanted to let you know that it is unwise to schedule all of your classes in a row. Sure, it makes things easier in regards to making a work schedule, but other than that it's pretty icky. I think that that's why I'm so tired. Wednesday I had a class from 8-9:50, one from 9-9:50, then 10-10:50, 11-11:50, 12-12:50, and 1-2:15. By the time I was in the 11 o'clock class I thought it was four p.m. I don't even know what I was thinking by the time my last class ended, other than "I want to get out of here and go home". And then I went to work. And got sick. I've been having some tummy troubles lately and have had two panic attacks within the last week and that's sort of bothering me. Maybe the general feeling of icky-ness and exhaustion is messing with me, I don't know. Hopefully on Monday everything will be OK. I actually started having a panic attack on the way to school Friday morning and ended up coming home as soon as I got there. I think I will probably be a little anxious on the way to school Monday, but hopefully it won't bother me too much.

Things are going quite well at work. My new manager is fantastic! She has been really helpful in getting the craziness that is our library under control. She has actually worked it out so that we will be getting a new employee from the main branch, and some temporary help from some of the other branches over the next few weeks! We are all very excited and optimistic. I think she really likes it at our branch, too. I wish that she could stay there permanently, instead of going off somewhere else whenever the hiring freeze is lifted (IF the hiring freeze is ever lifted...*_*) and they start shuffling people around again. Also Kara called at work today and I got to talk to her for a while and that was really nice. She said it's 75 degrees in Louisiana. It's in the thirties here.

There is one more thing that I am excited about that I will share on here now while I am thinking about it in case I get so busy over the next few weeks I don't have time to get on here much. I have been feeling called to get involved with the crisis pregnancy center here in my city for a while now. There are only two abortion clinics left in the state of Kentucky, one is downtown and some people from my church got together and opened up this center across the street from it. They offer free ultrasounds to women who are on their way into the clinics, and I read somewhere that more than 70% of the women who take them up on that offer decide to keep their babies or put them up for adoption. The center then helps them out through their pregnancy with counseling, referrals for financial assistance, and other stuff. Then once the baby is born these woman can go and get clothing and other supplies for their child, take cooking classes, GED help, and other things. I think that that's amazing. I am vehemently against abortion and have known for a while that I wanted start doing something to help, but I don't have a lot of free time to volunteer (this center and its two affiliates are entirely volunteer-run, and one of them is only open 12-15 hours a week because of this). So after much pondering I have decided to start using my tithe money to buy things for this center. I sent them an email asking what they needed and they replied with a list. I'm pretty excited about it. My dear friend Kelli is getting involved, too, and also my friend Jess at work said she wants to help out some. So I have two plastic drawers in my closet now that are full of baby clothes and bottles (two of the things that the center said they needed the most) and I will keep collecting stuff for a month or so and Kelli and I can take some boxes of stuff over there. I think it'll be really neat. And maybe in a year or so when my schedule calms down some I can do some volunteer work over there. The way I see it, the more they are able to be open and the more they can do to help, the more tiny lives will be saved. When we are ready to take our stuff over there I will try to take a picture of it and post it on here. And if you know me and live around here and want to help out, just let me know!