Thursday, January 29, 2009


Things here are bad. Well, sort of. Thankfully we have power (it would be really bad if we didn't, with all the animals and such). But it really does look like bombs have been going off all over the city, and then the whole place was spray-painted white. I had to go in to work yesterday (my boss was there for five or six hours by herself) and we had to take a few alternate routes to travel to the library, which really isn't that far from my house. I don't think we passed a single yard that didn't have some kind of limbs or trees in it. It's rather apocalyptic looking, I guess. And then there are the downed power lines (we accidentally drove over a dead one yesterday, and another was about to fall). People are trapped in their neighborhoods and subdivisions, roped off from the rest of the world by caution tape and giant frozen trees. The roads are nasty, too. My school has yet to cancel classes for tomorrow but to be honest, if they don't call them off, they are insane- especially since everything at my school is no a hill. If everything wasn't covered in ice and snow, it would look like we had been hit by some powerful, mysterious tornado that only attacks plants and power lines (not buildings). It's downright creepy.

Hopefully we will continue to have power and stay reasonably warm here at home. If classes are canceled tomorrow I don't *have* to go anywhere until Saturday, which is good.

Hopefully winter weather is treating you better than it is Louisville.

If you're bored and like reading news stories, here are a few about what's going on in our neck of the woods:

1.3 Million Lose Power, Long Outage Feared

Governor Declares State of Emergency

Ice Storm Photo Gallery

Photo Gallery 2