Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The people person's paper people.

Howdy. I have to go to work in a few hours. Before I do, I thought I would procrastinate and post on my blog.

Last night was really fun. Kelli and I went to Babies R Us, which does not sell babies, and tried to find clearance things to take to A Woman's Choice. This store is expensive. And the clearance section was...not much. Mostly toddler things, anyway. We did find some deals on bottles (which they need pretty badly) and Kelli bought a ginormous box of like, six hundred baby wipes (also on the "most needed" section of the list). We decided that next week we will try to take our stuff over there. I'm pretty excited about it. I found some big gift bags at the dollar store and we've got one filled with boy stuff, one filled with girl stuff, and a bag full of just bottles. Hopefully it will help. And then we can start collecting all over again.

Also, I think I mentioned that I had accomplished some wedding things recently. I found bridesmaids gifts, but I won't say what they are on here because some of my bridesmaids read this (if not all of them) and I want it to be a surprise! They came in the mail the other day and that's pretty exciting. Um, what else...oh, I found my favors. I've decided that I want to kind of have a snowflake theme, even though it pretty much never snows when one wants it to here in Kentucky. So I found these really cute snowflake bookmarks. I like the fact that they come in their own little boxes with tags. Also they are cute, and bookmarks are pretty useful. I like books. Brandon likes books. This seems to fit us- except Brandon doesn't care a whole lot about wedding planning. Except he wants the one Star Wars song for the recessional.

The favors I will probably get

Tonight I have Econ homework and general studying to do, so I don't know when I will post again. There is a lot of uncertainty surrounding when I'm going to do things, it seems. All I can say is, I can't wait for school to be over, and hopefully I will get good enough grades to keep my scholarships.