Saturday, November 28, 2009

Accidental Omission

Well, we found out about the apartment a week or so ago. I think. I forgot to post. It's all very exciting. Our move-in day is in about two weeks. I will be excited to get my stuff in that apartment- it's slightly less fun when it's just hanging out in my basement.

The wedding is five weeks from today, and that is just bananas. It's incredibly surreal. I've got more stuff done, but we are having some, shall we say, issues, with RSVPs. We sent out about 180 invitations. And we've got maybe 40 response cards. Some people have just let me know that they're coming or not coming, which is fine, because at least I know. And a few relatives (and bridesmaids...) haven't sent theirs but I know they're going to be there. But those groups only account for like, ten response cards. There's still over 300 people we have no idea if they're coming or not. Which is a little frustrating, because people keep asking me what the count is, and I simply don't know. I sent facebook messages to a few people, asking if they got their invitations and if they will be able to come, but I haven't heard from anyone....hopefully they were just busy with Thanksgiving and will get back to me soon. Because the "reply by" date is like, December 2nd. Which is what, three days away? Or something like that. Three days that the post office delivers mail.
And I feel bad that I'm frustrated, like I'm being, I don't know, demanding, wanting to know if people are coming. But I need to know. If I only hear back from a few more people and just assume like, 250 people aren't coming, and then half of them show up, that is a heck of a lot of food and drink that we do not have. Among other things.

In the meantime, I am boxing up some random stuff around my room. I'm pretty much clearing off my bookshelves (I have two tall ones and one short one) and boxing up the contents so we can go ahead and move them to the apartment. I'm keeping my DVDs out, and my Harry Potter books, because sometimes I just need to read them. They make me happy. And I boxed up a lot of my stuffed animals (I don't know what I'm going to do with them...) and some breakables and I'm starting a box of random stuff. Contents so far: two figurines from LOST, a doggie lobster costume, part of a doggie bumblebee costume, a planner that I barely used, and some walruses. Like I said. Random.

In terms of wedding accomplishments, I got the rest of my favor boxes put together, paid the balance on the flowers, and made appointments for my hair trial run, my nail appointment (two days before the wedding) and my hair and makeup appointment the day of the wedding. That part was pretty exciting. I am looking forward to it! And we took my dress back to Rebecca's to be pressed. I just need to remember to go back and get my veil for my hair trial. I thought about taking it home but I just knew it would get messed up.

So..that's all that's going on right now. Completely scintillating. I'm sure the world was dying to know.