Sunday, November 22, 2009

Who knows where the time goes?

Wow. What a weekend.
Friday Jonathan came down with the flu, randomly and all of a sudden. Saturday morning at work there was an overly zealous man beating on the door, and he tried to bribe us to let him in and get on the computer. Um, no. Then that afternoon a patron had a seizure and we had to call an ambulance. And then the events of this morning were argumentative, to put it mildly. And now the day is over. The weekend is over. And I have no time.
The wedding is six weeks away, and that's exciting. We're supposed to pick up my dress tomorrow and take it back to the dress place to store it. And run a million other errands. I have a paper due Tuesday that I must tackle. And I have to work tomorrow, so...yeah. Tuesday is school. Wednesday is work again, but I'm off in the evening. And then Thursday is Thanksgiving and then the week is over again! We need to meet with our photographer about how much time she has, where she needs to be, what shots we want, etc. But we can't do that until we meet with the wedding coordinator and map out the ceremony. And then we need to get in touch with the minister and fill him in. And pay off the flowers. And who knows what else. Plus finish school work for the semester (in like, two weeks. *_*) Then finals. And...somehow squeeze two doctor's appointments and physical therapy in there. No time, no time, no time. There is not enough time.

Oh, and we haven't heard back about the apartment yet. I told Brandon that if he doesn't hear from them by noon tomorrow, he needs to call his employer and ask them about it. So hopefully then we will get some answers. Hopefully. I am getting tired of waiting. But I want a positive answer.