Friday, December 18, 2009

bother bother bother...

Yeah, it has been a while since I updated. We have moved a lot of stuff into the apartment, and it looks really nice. We're both excited to have it even though neither of us is technically staying there right now. My room looks weird without a lot of stuff in it- the desk is moved out, along with all three bookshelves, the rocking chair and my cedar chest. Basically all that's left is my dresser, tv, bed and nightstand, some random piles of stuff and a little card table with my computer. I think somehow the furniture made it warmer in sure is cold. Maybe that's because my closet door is off its hinges, though.
We are now about two weeks away from the wedding, and it's a really weird sensation. I'm not really freaking out, but I do know deep down that I still have stuff to do. I really should make a list and work on knocking things out one at a time, but right now I am too tired. And cold. I work all day tomorrow for some reason (both weekend days! Weird, huh?) and then I should try to stop by the apartment and do some things there. Sunday my best pal Kelli is throwing me a bachelorette party. I don't know how often I will see her over the next two weeks. I mean, I doubt I'll see her before Christmas, and even though I'm off work the whole week after that, I have a feeling I'll be keeping myself busy. I also need to pack for the honeymoon sometime, call Disney with our flight information, finish packing up my stuff....and pause for a few moments to enjoy Christmas.
This is my last Christmas at home and its sad because it doesn't really feel like Christmas at my house. Everyone is too distracted by wedding stuff. And moving stuff. And just...stuff. We didn't get the tree up until a few days ago, and normally we have it up way early. I don't know that it's even decorated. We have done minimal Christmas baking. I'm surprised some of us even remembered to shop for presents. And we'll take next Friday off and spend all day with each other, visiting family and stuff, but the next day it will be back to freaking out about wedding stuff for the next eight days.
Part of me regrets choosing a date eight days after Christmas to get married. Oh well.