Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Service day

Today we went on a service trip with our Bible study class. We went to the Salvation Army Boys and Girls Club and did manicures and pedicures. Nothing really professional...just hanging out with these girls and painting their fingernails exciting colors. Our table (me, mom, Helen, and Kelli) only had one little girl at first so she seemed really overwhelmed. Especially since she was six and mom and Helen kept taking pictures of her. But she warmed up and ended up having a lot of fun. Kelli and I did our nails because only one other girl came up to each of us for the few hours we were there. Actually, I ended up doing another girl's nails right before we left (alternating pink and green, her choice). I hope that we had a positive influence on these young ladies today. I think that they enjoyed themselves. They even got to keep the nail polishes and stuff. I wouldn't mind going back sometime to do the same thing!

And now I am just hanging around the house, eating pancakes for a very early dinner, waiting to go to work (blech). And work tomorrow. And the day after that. I am looking forward to the end of this week. It's the end of summer reading at the library!
Oh, since I talk about it so much, here's a link to some of the pictures of our Summer Readers. I was very excited to see that one of the little girls today was wearing a SuperReader backpack from last year- and I had on my SuperReader shirt. It was cool. Yeah.