Thursday, July 24, 2008


I made fudge! I'm excited about it. While I'm waiting for it to set (and putting off cleaning...again...) I will share the recipe with you. It's super simple and amazingly delicious.

1 bag regular-sized marshmallows
2 tbsp. water
2/3 cup butter or margarine, cubed
1 tsp. vanilla
12 oz. semi-sweet chocolate, chopped
1/2 cup chopped walnuts (this is about what I use...the original recipe called for almost three cups. That's way too much. Use your discretion)

Line the bottom of a square cake pan (8x8 or 9x9) with waxed paper. Let some hang over the sides for easy removal. In a large saucepan, melt the marshmallows, butter and water over medium heat. Stir it pretty often- don't let it boil! Add the chopped chocolate and vanilla and stir until chocolate is melted and mixture is smooth. Stir in walnuts. Pour into the pan, cover with foil or plastic wrap, and refrigerate until set (it does fine in the freezer, too, if you want to eat it sooner.) To serve, remove fudge on waxed paper, cut into squares and eat it. Yum. Make sure that you didn't leave any bits of waxed paper on the bottom of the fudge, though. ^_^

Note: I in no way, shape or form came up with this on my own. I wrote it down from somewhere a while ago. I am not taking credit for it. I am not Cindy McCain. Ha. Haha.


Briana McCall said...

thanks for the recipe!