Thursday, July 10, 2008

Reading challenge

My mom sent me a link a little while back regarding a reading challenge. It's a pretty cool idea. I'm supposed to pick five titles from a list of books mentioned, referenced, or shown on the TV show LOST. Which is amazing. And I'm supposed to have them read by December 31st. Wish me luck!

Here are my choices:

  • The Stand by Stephen King. This book isn't mentioned directly in the series, but Stephen King is, and it apparently has greatly influenced the producers regarding the show.
  • Our Mutual Friend by Charles Dickens. Desmond (!) claims that this will be the last book he will read before he dies in the episode Live Together, Die Alone.
  • Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll. Despite having directed the Alice in Wonderland play my senior year (applause), I have never actually read these books. The Looking Glass is the name of the Dharma station where Charlie dies, and this is also the title of the season three finale.
  • Carrie by Stephen King. The Others read this at their book club meeting.
  • A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle. This is one of the many books that Sawyer manages to find and read on the not-so-deserted island.

Sawyer Reading