Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Jessi and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week

If it is possible for one to win an award for worst week ever accomplished in two days and without anyone dying or losing their jobs (thankfully), I very well may be the front-runner for said award.

Monday, around one p.m., I checked my school email on a whim. Note the time and date: my last final was last Wednesday. All my books were sold back, and I was finished with the semester. Or so I thought. In my inbox was an email from my professor saying that he was missing an essay from me (he had told me last week he thought I had everything in) and I could do it and receive full credit, but it had to be turned in before noon. He sent the email at 11:15. I didn't read the email until an hour too late. And even if I had just happened to be looking at my inbox at 11:15 that morning, I no longer had the book so I couldn't do the essay, anyway. A great start to the week, finding out that one lost a sizable percentage of her final grade without even knowing. This, of course, put me in a sour mood for work that night. I didn't have extremely high hopes for some of my final grades, and was afraid to look at them when they were posted the next morning. So I had Brandon to it. I got excellent grades, except in that class: I got a D. Which is better than an F, I suppose, but still. Keeping my GPA high enough to retain my scholarship money is going to be extremely difficult next semester. On top of that, I am still waiting to hear about the tuition reimbursement I was approved for at work: I don't know if they hand out the money based on overall average, or if I am automatically disqualified because one of my grades was below a C. Hopefully I will be OK.
Anyway. Yesterday morning I perked up a little because Kelli was supposed to come over, and we would venture to Taco Bueno and possibly make another stop or two. Kelli got here, and we indeed have said tacos (note: Taco Bueno is pretty much Taco Bell with fresher, better food and huge portions. It wouldn't be anything spectacular without the cheesecake chimichangas. Oh, goodness. It's like a cinnamon-sugar egg roll wrapper filled with cheesecake. It was amazing. Go get one now. And bring me one, while you're at it). After being taco-fied, we went over to Target and found some spectacular deals on clothing. I got a few shirts. When I went to pay, my debit card was rejected-twice. I wrote a check and came on home, starting to feel a little queasy. I logged on to my bank account and saw a glaring red number staring back at me- my checking account was wiped out, as was my savings account. We looked at it and assumed that since there were pretty good sized charges ($26, a few times, and some $5s as well) that my debit card information had been stolen. So I called the bank, canceled my card and cut it up. After lots of crying last night (because, remember, I still have tires to get, along with a car insurance payment next month, and textbooks) and a restless sleep, I got up early-ish this morning and went to work to print my bank statement so I could look over it before meeting Brandon at the bank this afternoon so he could give me money (most of his savings, I think) to fill in the hole in my account before Sallie Mae receives and cashes my last student loan payment check. Upon closer, calmer examination, I saw that many of the charges on my account were penalty fees for overdrawing.
Basically, spending $12 total that I didn't have (that's another long story and some blame lies with Amazon not charging the right card for our pre-order of LOST season 4) brought me about $80 in overdraw charges.
I was late getting out of work to meet Brandon at the bank, all the way praying that the check to Target hadn't gone through, because that would cost me another $50 instead of the $20 something that the shirts had actually cost. We get inside to find that the check went through sometime between the time I checked it at 10, and the time I got to the bank at 2:15. Meaning my debt went from about $90 to almost $150, with that mysterious loan payment still on its way to Pennsylvania. Brandon, though, had the foresight to bring more money than I initially told him to, and I am covered now. Broke, stressed, and emotionally exhausted, but covered.
So yeah. It's been a bad week so far. I guess it's a good thing that my financial information actually hasn't been stolen. But that puts ALL the blame on me (with the exception of that bit from Amazon), rather than a slight majority of it. And I guess it's also a good thing that I did go to Target last night, because obviously no other retailers were stopping me from using my card, and who knows? If I hadn't picked Target, I may have gone on spending and racking up fees until I was several hundred dollars in debt.

I don't even want to think about that.

So over the next few days, I will be waiting to see what happens with tuition reimbursement. If I get it, I can pretty much use all of the money I think I'm getting to buy tires, pay insurance, and get my books. If not, well, we'll just have to wait and see. You might as well start praying for me now regarding next semester, though, because it's going to take nothing short of divine intervention to get me the grades I need to keep that scholarship money.

Hey, like my boss said, at least I still have my job. Right?


Anonymous said...

Ohhh Honey I can understand we all have those weeks!! Sending you lots of hugs!!