Friday, August 1, 2008

Who ate all the pies, you ask?

Let's have the fat talk.

Whoa, right?

So I've been thinking about weighty issues lately...har har. And they have been heavy on my mind (ha!) for a few reasons.
May it first be admitted that since graduation I have gained...a few dozen pounds. OK, several dozen. I blame this on a few things. It's easier to stop at a fast food restaurant on the way to/from work/school than to get up early and fix lunch and dinner. Or so it seems. Also, I have a habit of eating when I am not hungry, and not seeing until it's too late (fifty pounds too late) that my eating habits may not look so great on me. I guess years of being called fat by classmates even though I wasn't (I've seen the pictures) have brought on some confusion and miscommunication between my head and what I see in a mirror. And finally, I have no willpower. Simple as that.
So. Why have I been thinking about this.

First off, I have this whole wedding business coming up and I don't want to look ginormous in my dress. I mean, white isn't exactly the most flattering color. Also a picture of me taken a month or two ago at someone else's wedding has made me see that I'm a lot bigger than I thought, and gosh would I look horrible in a dress like the one the bride had (and it was really cute! I want one. Maybe).

Second, I know people who are concerned about putting on less weight than I have since they got married and started having children and have decided to do something about it, despite raising a family and having a hectic schedule. If they are willing to make a commitment for their health and such, what's my excuse? I'm having a hard time coming up with a good one.

Third, several people from various places have mentioned lately that it might in some way or another be considered a sin to basically eat a bunch of garbage. You know, greasy icky food that is in no way good for you. Because it's possibly showing disrespect to our Creator to be treating ourselves this way.

What am I getting at. I don't really know. It may seem really lame and narcissistic and cheesy and horrible to approach God about helping me lose weight when there are so many other, bigger problems in the world. But I have made a decision to start making better decisions. And not just so I don't have to keep buying bigger clothes (it's getting tiresome). I don't want to have a heart attack when I'm thirty. I don't want to be so winded just walking around campus (oh, the hills!). I don't want to deal with diabetes or any of the number of diseases obese persons tend to get around this country. And possibly the scariest of all- I don't want to be one of those headless fat people on the news. You know the ones. For the story on obesity someone takes a camera to the streets and shows portly people waddling around with fanny packs and Tweety bird shirts (no offense if this is you) but can get away with embarrassing them because they don't show their heads. As if your friends couldn't recognize you. Hmph.

Seemingly selfish things I am praying for tonight: perseverance, willpower, wise choices, and some sort of fortitude. Let's shed some poundage for Jesus.


In the morning.

Not me. I don't wear khaki.


Anonymous said...

I know exactly what you mean about those news stories. My mom and I laugh every time they show those videos. Like it's okay to zoom in on someone's huge, jiggly bum as long as we don't show their face.

I just had two pieces of pizza and a Dr. Pepper, and now I'm getting ready to sleep. How's that for healthy eating? Although, in my defense, I just released enough sweat tonight to fill a cargo hold (ew) I know right?

You know, I heard this rumor that Southeast has a really nifty gym and it's free to their members ^_~

Jessi said...

Curses, Kelli. I know about the gym, mmkay? It's just a matter of actually picking up the phone, calling them, going to the training session thingie, then getting my butt up off the computer chair and going over there.
When you join we will go over there together.

PS I had a smallish bowl of chili after you left last night. *fist bump*