Wednesday, May 14, 2008

"I hate everything you have become." -Facebook status

Have you ever been so incredibly frustrated with someone or something that it made your chest hurt? You feel the physical manifestation of your annoyance because you know they are wrong, or misguided, or lying, and you can't really do anything about other than open up your mouth, but you don't really want to do that because a.) you don't particularly like confrontation, and b.) you are trying to be representative of Christ. I don't think Jesus would post multiple comments on a former friend's online journal because that former friend had picked up a large amount of disdain for religion and religious people over the last year, and while they pretend to be "open-minded" and "tolerant" they make up lies about a person or persons they have never met nor obviously ever even bothered to learn about, disparaging them for being religious and basically poisoning the world by raising many children in a religious household. Jesus probably wouldn't have used his scathing wit to chastise someone in front of their friends for being a liar and reflecting their opposition of Christianity onto a sweet family of 20 out in Arkansas who never did anything as sneaky or vile as this person says they did.
Yeah. Jesus probably wouldn't do that.
But I'm not Jesus.
And I might have done that.
And my chest hurts.


Karen said...

Oh, baby girl. We all strive to be Christlike, but it is a hard, hard walk. But we're not alone. I'm praying for you today (and everyday). I love you.