Monday, June 29, 2009

Only four hours.

I'm pretty close to having a panic attack. I have to leave for work in ten minutes. This is compounding my feelings of ickiness, as I think I am afraid of freaking out in the car, or as soon as I go to work.
I'm pretty sure I know where the bad feelings are coming from. I think I forgot to take my reflux medicine this morning. My blood sugar is a little off. I chose to eat about an hour and a half ago (most of a little thing of applesauce and a few teddy grahams- big deal). And I have to go to work. I've been drinking a lot of water, which is kind of cold, and the applesauce was kind of cold, and sometimes when I have cold liquids (applesauce counts) it aggravates my reflux. I have a very unpleasant feeling that everything I have consumed today is sitting somewhere near my chest. Blech. I just need to calm down about it. I tried to eat a saltine cracker, hoping that would help, but it didn't work out. It's just unpleasant. It normally wouldn't be a big deal, but like I have said repeatedly lately, I am kind of on edge, anxiety-wise.
I'm starting to feel a little better but I'm still pretty shaky and worried about work. It's only four hours. I just need to keep telling myself that. Only four hours. I spent more time than that at Brandon's yesterday and I was fine. Only four hours.


Karen said...

praying constantly on your behalf...