Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Good morning. I am sitting here at work, half asleep, eating a bag of "Funyuns" for lunch. What are funyuns, you ask? They are a cross between a potato chip and an onion ring. They are crunchy and delicious. I don't think I want to know what they are made out of.
I got to work almost half an hour early this morning, completely by accident. My original plan was to leave the house at eight and go to the grocery store. Well, I thought to myself, I'd rather sleep in. I didn't leave until almost eight thirty, got my groceries, and wandered aimlessly around the store for a little while, and I STILL got here early. I brought my things in and put them in the freezer (Kroger's frozen food is on sale, if you're interested.) I thought about going and relaxing on this couch that we have out in the library until I was supposed to work, but no. We had a computer class this morning, which started an hour before we opened. I got here about ten minutes into it. I didn't start working until five minutes before I was supposed to, though. And I am the only clerk here, which means I've checked in the bookdrop, done all the reserves and the route-in books (things that are sent back to us from other branches) by myself, PLUS put together two carts of books for our page to shelve. I feel pretty awesome in the work department right about now. We will see how things go when other people start to take lunches, though...
I'm glad I feel good about work because I've been feeling pretty bad about everything else lately. Really, I have spent so much time crying lately about stupid stuff. I'm not really ashamed to admit it because I know that I have trouble coping with life sometimes. This is one of those times. I feel very unmotivated and short on time. I also feel like I get things wrong a lot. I have spent a lot of time lately worrying. I am really looking forward to the end of the week- I might be feeling better then. It's supposed to get warmer here, and Brandon and I are going to the zoo on Thursday, we are going wedding dress shopping on Friday, and on Saturday I am going to "Winter Jam" with Kelli. It's a Christian music concert in Lexington. I'm really looking forward to it. Some cool artists are supposed to perform, and I have been working on some spectacular mix cds for the ride up there (or over there- where is Lexington again?) I am kind of worried about going because the last time I was in Lexington was not good (tummy issues and panic attacks) but I keep telling myself I will refuse to let it get to me, because after all, we are going to hear Jesus music, and that will make me feel better.

Ten minutes later....I'm going to see if I can find some games to play online. I'm still working on those Funyuns. And my feet are cold.