Monday, March 30, 2009


So, I feel pretty nasty this morning (my head and ears are going "bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz" and I kept waking up last night feeling puke-ish.) But yesterday was Brandon's birthday and I needed to tell everyone. Even though he told me to stop talking about him on here. ^_^

Birthday weekend started on Friday, when we watched a movie at my house and mom and dad bought a brownie cheesecake (after I tried to get two or three other things from other uncooperative places.) He got his presents from me and from them on Friday. Saturday we both worked, then I went to church with him on Sunday and stayed at his house all day. Ice cream cake was had, and we went to Golden Corral for dinner. I'm pretty sure that that is always where he chooses to go for his birthday because they have ice cream. It's not because it's a buffet- he only gets one plate, usually. I had two, but I don't think the second one counts because it was just those yummy rolls they have with their honey-butter spread.
So despite the fact that his NCAA bracket is messed up now (he, like so many others, had U of L winning the whole thing. I figure, they haven't done it since 1986, they're probably not going to do it now. But didn't think they'd be out this early. I digress.) I think he's pretty happy with his birthday weekend. And that's a good thing.