Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Jesus in the news

Item #1:
So there's this church in...I think it's one of the Carolinas. Anyway. A trailer with 75% of their stuff was apparently stolen (don't ask me why their stuff was in a trailer and not in their church. Or if you know, maybe you can comment and enlighten me). Bibles, communion stuff, lots of their possessions. So they posted donated billboards with a slightly controversial message:
The church then uploaded this video, which I thought was cool. Actually, to be perfectly honest, I think that the guy still sounds a little bit bitter, but it's what he says that's important. I hope that whoever stole their stuff not only returns it but sees Christ through the church's forgiveness and they give their hearts to God.

Item #2
This story is a little older, but it's still really neat. Two guys from New Zealand ran out of fuel while flying their small airplane, and they prayed about it because they are Christians. They came to a safe landing right next to a sign that says "Jesus is Lord". I think this is very cool and very funny.