Wednesday, October 22, 2008

He loves peaches. No, really.

In these difficult economic times, it is important to find the small things throughout the day that will put smiles on our faces and generally lift our spirits. One such way we can accomplish this is to celebrate historical milestones such as the birthdays of important Americans. Friends, today is one of those days. Today is Jeff Goldblum's birthday. I know, right? Very exciting. In honor of this esteemed thespian and all-around weirdly amazing fellow, why not bake some cupcakes? Or at least treat yourself to a sundae at McDonald's. They are only a dollar. Plant a tree, or perhaps go play some cards with an old person. They get lonely sometimes. Just make sure that whatever you do to celebrate, you tell everyone you know that you are doing it in honor of Jeff Goldblum. That will be sure to put a smile on their face. They might also laugh so hard they fall down. But it's all about lifting our spirits, right? Right?

Yeah. Of course it is.

1 comments: said...

I love this video of Jeff! lol Happy Birthday Jeff!!!