Thursday, February 19, 2009

What's for breakfast? Answer: Nothing.

Good morning. I don't know how today is going to go. I was feeling kind of grumpy earlier this week, and then Tuesday night was awesome. Kelli came over and we watched videos of high school on my computer. And we had Applebee's, and it was all lovely lovely. Yesterday was kind of warm for a little while and people on the radio must have known I was listening because they played like, four awesome songs in a row. I felt quite a bit better.
And then there's this morning. Apparently I, or someone else, reset my alarm clock in the middle of the night, as it never went off this morning. Brandon called at 8:30. I was supposed to get up at 7. All I did was set my alarm forward one hour from yesterday, when I set it for 6. Upon closer inspection, I found that the alarm was set for 7 PM. What is up with that?
Now I am slightly discombobulated, thrown off my schedule, and trying to convince myself to get to work. I have a paper due tonight that I must write today. My presentation on the Quiverfull movement for my IDC class is tomorrow morning (I am prepared, just nervous because there are a lot of people at my school who apparently hate Christians and the things they do, and at least one of the vocal ones is in my class, and I just don't want to deal with her). And Fernald, my fish, is dying again. It's very distracting to have a fish experiencing death throes on the shelf above one's computer. Just so you know. I wish I could have him put to sleep. This is kind of bothering me...
Anyway. Today Kelli and I are supposed to venture over to A Woman's Choice, the crisis pregnancy center I've mentioned. I'm really excited. We have a ton of stuff for them and it's really cute! There's a box full of just bottles and pacifiers, one full of clothes, and one full of baby blankets and crib sheets and stuff. It's all really cute and it will be put to good use.

Maybe I will have more interesting and/or relevant things to say on spring break. I'm looking forward to it, even though it's not really going to be spring when we're off school (the first week of March!). I'm hoping we can go to the zoo, and take an afternoon to work on one of our wedding registries, because there are birthdays coming up and some people will want to get us stuff for our house, should we ever finally get one. I know Brandon will not be looking forward to that (he told me to just do it myself) but he's going to be living there too, and should have a say in things like...sheets...and measuring cups. Brandon absolutely hates shopping, though. It visibly exhausts him. One time we went to the mall to look for a birthday present for one of my friends. I was looking for a stuffed animal. We walked in the mall, walked straight to one store that is mostly earrings and purses and stuff, but they have some stuffed animals. It didn't take long to look through them all, and Brandon was already shifting his weight from one foot to the other. Then we walked to the second and last store, the toy store. As soon as we reached the plush toy section, he seemed to be wiped out. I find this hilarious and occasionally annoying. He hates it so much! But he'll just have to deal with it.

I should probably get to work on my paper, huh?


Karen said...

I always find that you have something unique and interesting to say. I don't think you have to wait until spring break.

How bout spring break Friday for more dress shopping? And maybe meeting with the wedding coordinator? Your choice.