Thursday, February 19, 2009

Babies! (not mine!)

Well, I had hoped to have a lovely story to share with you about taking our baby stuff to A Woman's Choice today. The story is short. Google gave us bad directions, and when we found the place we laughed at the fact that it shares a building with the Okolona Planned Parenthood. Ha! Take that, baby haters! And the sign for AWC was way bigger than Planned Parenthood's.
The place was tiny, and they had to open the door from the inside (the blinds were drawn at Planned Parenthood, too). For some reason I don't think that this was how the building was originally designed. It was an odd reminder of exactly how divisive the issue of abortion is in our country. I wonder if they have had any incidents there? I kind of doubt it, just because of the way the building and parking lot were situated, and the fact that there were hardly any cars around.
We were welcomed into the tiny waiting room and asked to place our boxes on the floor, and we were told we were "awesome" and that was that. It made me smile and I'm excited to start putting together more boxes of stuff to take over there again. Hopefully one of these days I will have some free time and be able to volunteer over there. This particular location (there are two in my city) is only open about 15 hours a week. Part of this may have to do with the fact that it seems it's more urgent to have the other location open more often, as it is across the street from the last abortion clinic in our fairly large metropolitan area. Anyway. I want to help out. Hopefully I will be able to someday soon.

Speaking of babies, our friend Rachel just updated her blog to announce that she and her husband are expecting! They just had their first child, Averi, about ten months ago, I guess. It's pretty exciting. Congratulations!