Monday, April 7, 2008

Must. Find. Robitussin...

Might I just throw out there that I am very, incredibly happy to have my computer back? Now I can actually listen to my music. On the downside, instead of working on a paper, I've been playing Sims...but hey! I made all the little people from Lost. That's accomplishing something, right? *cough*.
Inventory is over and I am still very tired even though I didn't hardly do anything. I was supposed to work Friday night, and then all afternoon into the night on Saturday, giving me a nice little additional paycheck to help bail me out of the financial hole I, as a college student with poor spending habits (or shall we say, *saving* habits) am constantly digging for myself. I was sick Friday- rather, I'm still sick- so I came in on Saturday and I even left before most at 10pm. Interestingly, I spent more at Lifeway than I think I will make from working there. This is especially interesting because I never thought I would be compelled to buy much of anything there. Yet, I got two CDs (and received two free samplers as a result), a necklace, and a Bible. When I got home, I felt compelled to read said Bible (something I'm not prone to do, I'm sad to admit). For no real reason at all, I read the first four chapters of Genesis and the entirety of 1st Corinthians. I then realized that something didn't feel right- literally. Part of the stitching on the front of my new pretty leather Bible had been ripped up and there was a little wiggly thread poking out. So now mom has to take it back for me and get another one. I put it back in its box so I wouldn't mess up any of the pages or anything. I hope she takes it back soon. And maybe gets me a "sorry-you-had-to-bring-your-Bible-back-here's-an-extra-five-or-twenty-bucks" discount. That would be neat. I don't think it's going to happen, though.
So now, perhaps I shall return to merely thinking about writing my 12 page paper comparing the thoughts of John Stuart Mill and St. Thomas Aquinas, in addition to my 10 page research paper on female war correspondents of World War II, my 4 page test on Karl Marx and the Communist Manifesto vs. the American public's conception of him and communism, my 8 pg paper having something to do with Alexis d'Toqueville (don't even ask. I haven't bothered to find out what I'm supposed to be writing about yet) and the re-write I have to do for the half-hearted test I turned in on John Locke and American government. Blech.