Sunday, May 10, 2009

Good Days

Happy Mother's Day!
I gave my mom her presents last night so all I have to do today is behave myself. ^_^

Yesterday was Brandon's graduation. I spent pretty much the whole day with his family, from getting to his house at 9 a.m. to the breakfast thing at Bellarmine (note to school: you might want to have more tables and more food next year) to taking his little brothers on a tour of campus to the ceremony at noon to his party at his house. I didn't get home until about 9 p.m. It was a good day. I am very proud of him for not only finishing his schooling in such a timely manner (unlike me) but for trying so hard and making such wonderful grades (also unlike me).

I am looking forward to another good day tomorrow, as well. It's my birthday! Brandon is taking me out to lunch, and we're going to see a movie, and probably taking stuff to Half Price Books to sell, meaning I will come home tomorrow afternoon with even more books. And then my dear pal Kelli is coming over for dinner. I'm pretty psyched.


Karen said...

love you, baby girl! Hope your day is sweet. (today and tomorrow. after all, remember that I started laboring on the tenth so this could have been your birthday!)