Monday, May 11, 2009


Happy birthday to me!

Today was my 21st birthday, which for some people would be a big deal (ahem) but not me, other than the fact that I am grateful to have reached the age of 21 without any major deals healthwise. I have all my limbs and a house with air conditioning. I am happy.

This morning Brandon came and picked me up and gave me a sweet birthday card (he gave me my present Saturday- the whole series of the Cosby show! I wish I were a Huxtable...) and we went to Half Price Books. I got a neat gigantic international cookbook worth 50 pounds for $14 USD. It has lots of pretty pictures and I'm pretty excited about it, although if I had looked at it more closely before I bought it I would have noticed it was mostly Thai and Indian recipes, which isn't really my style of cooking, but whatevs. It still has lots of basic sauces and doughs and a spice guide and that's pretty cool. Then we went out to lunch (O'Charley's, because I wanted soup and I never get it) and then went to see Star Trek. It was fantastic! I'm not a huge fan of the original series (TOS), I'm more into The Next Generation (TNG- Patrick Stewart!) and I like Star Wars much better, but the movie was fantastic. It was very entertaining and I think even someone who didn't care for the franchise would like it. It was so enjoyable that one tended not to notice the fact that some pretty big and ridiculous coincidences would have to happen for the plot to be even remotely plausible. Still....go see it! I seriously doubt you'll be disappointed.

Then Brandon brought me home and I took a nap (he had to go to work) and mom and dad made all my favorite foods for dinner. When I made the list for them I didn't realize just how much food it was. I am seriously stuffed! I had Cap'N Crunch Chicken, deviled eggs, baked beans, cheesy penne and this one salad mom makes that is so good (romaine lettuce, apples, pears, dried cranberries, a little parmesan and cashews in a dressing). Yeah...that's a lot of food. But who cares, I had an early soup lunch and leftovers for a while. That's fine with me. And cookies! Mom made cookies. I love chocolate chip cookies and would rather have them than a birthday cake, so that's what I got. My presents from my family were very nice as well. I have some new DVDs to watch and some Disney Dollars to save for my honeymoon next year!

I have to admit that I am a little sad, though, as this is my last birthday at home. It's weird. It's been a weird weekend all around, what with Brandon graduating and me getting older and such. Just...weird. Good, but weird.

Anyway, I think I am supposed to be in bed asleep, but before I go, may I direct you over to my momma's blog? She made a very sweet video for my birthday and she's very proud of it (as she should be.)


Karen said...

I suspect that's the reason I felt a bit melancholy today as well. No more birthdays "at home."

And it's not so much that I am proud of the video as it is that I am proud of you. You are beautiful, baby girl.

love you!